We preach the good news to the people

Saturday 30 December 2017

SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY - Philippians 4:19 commentary

SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY | Philippians 4:19

But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in Christ Jesus. - KJV
And my God shall liberally supply(fill untill full) every of your need according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. - AMP

"but my God SHALL supply all your need...."
firstly, notice this word "SHALL" which means that this particular bible verse is not a prayer point, it's an intention, it is what God wants to do and what God will do.

Notice this also "ALL YOUR NEED", Paul didn't say "all your wants" which means that God will supply everything that you are lacking(i'm not talking about physical or material things now, but what you really need to be aligned with God). Many people are poor Spiritually and what God sees is that this person needs Spiritual riches and not a car. Don't quote this Scripture if what you need is a car except you really have a deeper understanding about this bible verse.

The bible further says "according to his riches in glory IN Christ Jesus". Now, what are those riches that Paul is talking about?

(1) God is rich in GOODNESS, FOREBEARANCE(patience and tolerance) and LONGSUFFERING. (Romans 2:4).

(2) God is rich in glory (Romans 9:23, Ephesians 3:16).

(3) God is rich in grace (Ephesians 1:7, Ephesians 2:7).

Every Christian needs the abundance of goodness, forebearance, longsuffering, grace. Without these, you can never be aligned with God. And here is the good news, God have the intentions to supply them!

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