We preach the good news to the people

Saturday 2 December 2017

Why do You Still Fall Sick as a Christian? Since The Bible Says "By His Stripes, We Are Healed"? CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT

The scripture says Jesus took away our sicknesses, and many Christians still fall sick and some even died through that sickness. God has promised us that He will take sickness away from us, you should ask yourself that "why do I still fall sick? Why do sickness hold me down? ". Well the answer is simple, i'm gonna reveal some things to you in this article but before I continue, I'd like a share a testimony of myself, my genotype was SC or SS(I'm not really sure of  whether it's SS or SC) and I used to get sick a lot and I collected drips like it's part of my life, but ever since I became born again I haven't been sick for at least once, I didn't even feel headache and God healed me from rheumatism. Now back to what I'm saying, Christians are not meant to be sick. If you find out that your are always getting sick, I'll advise you to read this to the end and make corrections if necessary. 

Why Christians Get Sick

 1. Your relationship with God is faulty
Do you have a personal relationship with God? Do you have a personal alter in your house where you worship God? Do you talk to God and do you hear God whenever He speaks to you? If your answer is yes, then you have no cause for alarm but if your answer is no, then you need to have a special place where you can worship God day by day in Spirit and in truth. Talk to Him always, although you might not hear Him the first time but as time goes on, you will encounter Him. Worship Him at least 40 minutes a day and you will get results, when you have a personal relationship with Him, then you are authorized to be a true son of God and He will protect you against any sickness or diseases. 

 2. You Don't Know How to Attack The Sickness When it Comes
Another reason why you still get sick is that you don't know how to attack the Sickness, but I'll show you how to attack it. When the Devil strikes you with sickness, you can attack by the name of Jesus for the Scripture says "that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow ",  the name of Jesus is a terror to the darkness, every evil one fear the name of Jesus including sickness and death. 
You can attack it with the word of God, the bible is one of the Christians weapon against darkness. Therefore, you need to meditate on it and digest it, CLICK HERE TO READ THE SCRIPTURES ABOUT HEALING
Keep confessing them with faith and you will get results. 

 3. Lack of faith: When you lack faith, you will still fall sick. As a Christian, you must believe that "with God, all things are possible" therefore, no sickness is too big for God to handle. You can pray to God for healing but if you doubt Him or you don't believe that He will heal you, then you won't get healed because God has already answered your prayers but you didn't allow your faith to do the rest, the woman with the issue of blood got healed because of her faith, she believed that if she touch Jesus cloak, she will be healed. Then she did and wow! She received divine healing. Your faith is the most important key to access divine health and overcome sickness.  

 Conclusion: I want you to understand that God loves you and He will never leaves you, even in time of trouble. Sometimes the Devil will make you feel that God has forsaken you, but you should never lose hope. No Sickness is to big for God to heal, no Sickness can kill you as long as you are a TRUE child of God. Satan can also make you feel that God didn't heal you because of your past sins but the truth is, God has forgotten all your sins and you are not condemned, for the Scripture says
There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. - Romans 8: 1.

In my next post i'll teach you how to overcome sickness. 


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