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Tuesday 9 January 2018

How To Worship God in Spirit And in Truth

Worshipping God in Spirit and in Truth

But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. - John 4: 23-24. KJV

Read the scriptures carefully, if you want to worship God, you 'must' worship Him in SPIRIT and in TRUTH or else your worship is a waste of time! It is a pity that in many churches today, there is always a section Titled "praise  and worship" which is now a norm. I once read a book titled "encounter with Jesus Christ" and Jesus told the woman that "I am hungry for more worship", it is not that Christians do not worship Him but their worship is in vain because they are ignorant about Spiritual worship. Worship is not just about singing, worship is beyond that! God is not interested in your physical body but your heart and your spirit are needed when it comes to  worship. You can deceive other people but you can never deceive God. Please don't sing songs of worship just because you want to be noticed or you want to display your beautiful voice. Don't sing to bring glory and honour to yourself, sing to bring glory and honour to God only.
A worship session is not a session to display your voice or talents, this is why many Christians didn't grow and why many gospel singers didn't rise. I once read an article that a Nigerian singer was singing and then a lady on the wheel chair stood up, that's the power of worship. I've worshipped before and I got healed while worshipping. In fact! You will get to a level in worship where you will hear strange voices singing with you. Don't be deceived! You can lead a worship in church and there will be mass deliverance and healing even without laying of hands.

How to Worship God in Spirit

.... God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit...

Worshipping God in Spirit involves the connection of your Spirit with the Spirit of God and you can do this by:

Getting rid of all other thoughts and thinking about Jesus only
The truth is, you can't focus on Jesus Christ if you are thinking about other things. Close your eyes to avoid distraction, then think about how great he is, how wonderful and glorious he is, what he has done for your, the love he have for you etc..

Wait for the Holy Spirit to bring songs
If you want to Worship God in Spirit, then you shouldn't sing the songs that your physical body wants to sing, be still and be quiet for some seconds and wait for a song to come. Sometimes the Holy Spirit might bring melodies, it might not be a song.
And don't be surprised if the Holy Spirit brings songs that you haven't heard before or strange songs, that's how worship in the Spirit works.
And if you don't have the Holy Spirit but you wish to have, just comment below and I'll tell you what to do

Bless God
If you find yourself in the situation whereby the Holy Spirit did not bring any song, don't start thinking of songs to sing and don't don't stop the worship for that day! Just bless God.
Worship is fellowship and fellowship happens with COMMUNICATION - Victoria Orenze

Singing in tongues
You can also sing in tongues. When you pray in tongues, your Spirit prays, when you sing in tongues, your Spirit sings. Even if you can't sing in tongues, one day you will sing because the Holy Spirit will bring songs of the Spirit to your Spirit then you will give it expression with your physical mouth, that's how singing in tongues works.

How to Worship God in Truth

.... They that worship Him must worship Him in...... Truth

Worshipping God in truth deals with the sincerity of your heart towards God and the things you say to Him.
Remember that you can deceive other people and YOURSELF! But you can never deceive God! If you tell God that you love Him more than anything else but love your family than God or if you claim that you love God more than anything else but you also sleep for 8-10 hours a day and only pray about 3 hours a day, then you are deceiving yourself, rather tell Him that "I know that I don't love you enough but please help me to love you more. God loves sincerity, everything you say or sing to God should be said consciously and with full sincerity. SINCERITY is the most important thing when it comes to worshipping or praising God but many Christians have chosen to overlook it. A person who worship God in truth is often emotional during the worship session because of the words that He/she speaks.

Worshipping in truth is also connected with imaginations, for example, if you say "you walk upon the sea and raise the dead" try to picture Him doing those things.

Worship is a fragrance before God, when God sees your sincerity, He will then look deep into your heart and give you whatever you desires at that time. You might see some people falling down during a worship session, those people don't just fall for no reason. For some people, they receive answers to their prayers, for some: healing,  miracles or impartations.


  1. I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this article. I am hoping the same best work from you in the future as well. Thanks... Messianic Worship Music
