We preach the good news to the people

Sunday 3 December 2017

How To Overcome Sickness

In my previous article, I talked about why many Christians still fall sick despite that Christ has already bare our sicknesses on the cross(Isaiah 53:5), now I'm going to write about "how to overcome sickness". Sickness is a darkness and it must not be found in the body of a believer because we have the light in us (Christ is the light, He lives in us), and I haven't heard or see where light and darkness meet. The truth is, when the light comes, the darkness must vanish.
I've highlighted four sure ways that you can use to overcome sickness which has also worked for me and I'm very sure that it will also work for you too if you put it into practice:
1. Have a strong relationship with God
As a Christian, you need to have a personal relationship with God our father, you have to move close to Him and He will never forsake you, Having a relationship with God is having a personal place where you can worship Him daily, it may be a separate room or somewhere in your house where no one can interrupt you, worship Him every day. God know His true worshippers and nobody can dare to come near them even sickness and death are not allowed.  God cannot worship Himself, and He cannot allow any form of evil to befall His true worshippers and His followers so that we can continue to worship Him more and more. Worship God always, let it be a part of your life and trust me, you will see results.

2. Have the consciousness that the Sickness come from the Devil and not from God
Good things come from God, bad things come from the Devil, and Satan is the one that attack innocent people with different kinds of sickness and diseases. By having this consciousness, you can be able to know how to attack the Devil. God have no cause to strike His Children with sicknesses, the only reason that God can allow the Devil into your life is if the Devil comes to accuse you and God decided to test your faith(Job is a perfect example of this).

3. Be aware of the authority that has been given to you
Luke 10:19 says
Behold, I have given unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: AND NOTHING SHALL BY ANY MEANS HURT YOU.

Sickness hurt us right? The bible has said it all that "nothing shall hurt us by any means".
Also note that Jesus said that "I have given unto you" not "I will give unto you" which means that we already have that authority but we don't really use it because Satan keeps lying to us and depriving us of our authority. We must therefore have knowledge about this authority and use it against sickness and other evil tools. Jesus has already bare our sicknesses on the cross, therefore sickness is a stranger in our body and we must not allow it to stay.

4. Have faith in God
The first three points are useless without having faith in God, the bible says "with God all things are possible, and to Him that believe all things are possible"
The truth is that, you can't overcome sickness without believing in Christ and without believing that you will overcome it. No sickness is too big for God to handle and no sickness is too big for you to overcome, all you need is to have faith in Him. For example, the woman with the issue of blood had faith, she believed that Jesus can heal her, and then she touched His cloak and wow! She got healed! Then Jesus told her that thy faith hath made thee whole. Assuming the woman didn't have faith and she just touched His cloak for nothing, she wouldn't have received healing, faith is much more powerful that you get automatically healed without praying. Just keep confessing Christ bare our sicknesses on the cross, Christ is in us therefore sickness cannot stay in our body.  God is pleased with those people that have strong faith in Him for the Scripture says without faith, it is impossible to please Him.

May God give us the Grace and power to have total dominion over Sickness and any form of darkness in Jesus name and God shall give us the Grace to have more faith in Him, Amen.

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