We preach the good news to the people

Sunday 10 December 2017

The Power and Benefits in Worship

Worshipping God is not a waste of time, worship have a positive effect on the lives of believers. Worship is a must for every Christians that is genuinely hungry for God, but many Christians do not worship God privately because they are ignorant about the power and the benefits that it attracts. By this post, i will open your eyes to what worship can do!

NOTE: Everything I will mention here are based on the experiences I've had

1. Close relationship with God
You can't claim that you love God when you don't even know what God loves, God loves worship. If you have an active worship life, you will discover that the more you worship God, the more you worship God experience Him and He will begin to reveal Himself to you more.

2. God is more eager to answer your prayers
Let me tell you a secret that will help you and make you go far in life only if you put it into practice. one of the keys to quick answers to prayers is to WORSHIP GOD MORE THAN PRAYING. When God sees your sincere worship, he will be more eager to give you whatever you ask for. Before I move on, I'd love to share a testimony relating to this:
Last week Friday, I was believing God for some money, but as a true worshipper of God, I went into a room and I began to worship God SINCERELY instead of asking for that thing. Then while worshipping, the money came instantly in a miraculous way without even asking.

God knows what you are thinking before you ask Him, please try to have an active worship life.

3. You will hear God speaking to you more often
Most of the things that I've heard from God was while worshipping. Infact! The first time I heard the voice of God very clear was when I was worshipping Him.
The more you worship, the more God speaks to you.

4. True worshippers have the ability to invoke the presence of God more than anyone else.

 5. It Hasten Spiritual Growth
Speaking in tongues is the second fastest way of growing Spiritually, true Worship still remains the first way! Although this was not written in the bible, but according to my personal experience, I can boldly say that anywhere because I've experienced it and I has worked for me and it is still working for me.

Please try to have a worship life, only prayers are not enough! If you worship privately everyday at least 40 minutes a day, I assure you that you will get to a level whereby you will hear angels and saints singing with you. You might not believe this but just try it for just two months and you will testify. But note that God only accepts true and sincere worships, and if you want to worship God, you must worship him in Spirit and in truth.
I will soon write a post post on "HOW TO WORSHIP GOD IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH" just keep visiting this blog everyday for more Spiritual updates.
If you have any question or comment, please use the comment box below. Thank you!

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