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Thursday 26 October 2017

Spiritual Benefits of Fasting and Prayer

Fasting is a very powerful Spiritual activity, fasting is a "must" for every genuine Christians that have a strong desire for God.
When you fast, your body becomes weak. But don't worry, there is a reward! Infact! The more your body becomes weak, the more your Spirit becomes Stronger and Stronger.

But"fasting" and "prayer" works together. Fasting without praying can never work except if you are fasting for physical reasons.

Here are some benefits of fasting. But before you read this, it's important to take a look at important scriptures to read and meditate on while fasting

Fasting helps us to overcome worldly pleasures

Fasting is a very powerful tool in overcoming worldly pleasures. When you fast, your body become weak but your Spirit become stronger, therefore you will begin to lose interest in everything that deals with the things of the world.

When you fast, your Spirit becomes more alert and active to hear God's voice

Firstly, I want us to understand that, hearing God's voice doesn't involve your physical ears but your Spiritual hears. That's why you need to fast often to hear what the Holy Spirit wants to tell you and what God wants you to know!

We tend to have a new desire for God

When we acknowledge through fasting that we need God to live more abundantly, we can begin to desire God in a new way. When we realize we need God more than we need food, we can start to understand what David meant when he wrote, “Like the deer that pants after water, my soul longs for You.” God, the sustainer of all life, wants nothing more than a closer connection with us, and through fasting we can quench that new desire for more of Him in our lives.

Prayer and Fasting Breaks Satanic Strongholds
When Jesus disciples were unable to deliver a young boy of an evil spirit, Jesus told them, “This kind cannot come out, except by prayer,” (Mark 9:29 ). Fasting positions us victoriously.
Through deep prayer and we can combat spiritual opposition and satanic strongholds.
When difficulties arise, Christians have the ability to harness the potential of the Holy Spirit through fasting and prayer.

We become too powerful for the Devil to tempt us
One of the powerful weapon of the Devil against Christians is temptation, in fact! No Christian can escape temptation. Many Christians fallen into this deadly trap of the Devil. But one of the ways, which is also the most effective way to overcome temptations is by "fasting" and "prayer".

Fasting and prayer helps you to retain your relationship with God each time you trespass and you ask for forgiveness
In the old testament, the Isrealites used to fast in order to seek God's face when they trespass. Let me share you a testimony of myself: There was a time I did something that is against God's will and i felt dead in my Spirit, then after asking for forgiveness and praying. The Holy Spirit told me to fast, during the fasting, I was as weak as anything else. But when i was praying, I felt a power in me and my Spirit came back to life, and I was able to retain where I was before.

Like I said earlier, fasting is incomplete without prayer. According to the testimony above, When I was fasting, I didn't feel any thing except hunger, but when I was praying, i felt God's power in me.

These scriptures will also help you a lot! CLICK HERE TO READ

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