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Tuesday 31 October 2017

END TIME ALERT!!! The Vision i Saw and What God Told Me

Hi fellow Christians, i want to share with you what God told me on Monday and what will happen very soon. There is also a special warning for Christians.

Last week monday, when I was praying. I saw horsemen on a battle field, then I heard I voice that said "THE END IS NEAR", then God revealed some things to me.

I remembered when God said "He is raising an army", those armies are in this generation, they are the END TIME ARMIES. These armies are the ones that will preach to people and lead them to the light, they will win thousands of souls for Christ. Do you really know why God is raising those people to be His armies? It's because the rapture will soon take place but only few people will inherit the kingdom of God, although there are billions of Christians out there but very few will inherit the kingdom of God because of lack of knowledge and ignorance. These armies will tell the ignorant people about Christ and many people will believe and repent.
But do you know that Satan wants to kill those people before they grow up? But God didn't allow Him, because of that, Satan is now working tirelessly to distract these chosen people, He is now using some tools for His mission. But the one He uses most is technology and Internet, and it is a pity that many Christians spend hours on their phones or computers but they can't even pray for hours. As a matter of fact, Devil's main target is the teenagers.
And sad enough, not all of these chosen ones will be able to accomplish their mission on earth because of distractions and addictions. And as many armies that will successfully do what God wants them to do and when the number of Christians keeps growing, the Devil will come with a new plan and possess some powerful people and they will persecute Christians and force them to deny Christ(this is when the Anti Christ will reveal himself and force people to take his mark) then the prophecies in the bible will be fulfilled.

I'm afraid to say that this is the generation that the end time will come where we will experience tribulations and where many fake prophets will arise(these prophets will baptize people with Evil Spirits instead of Holy Spirits), as prophesied in Matthew chapter 24. Read 1st John chapter 4 on how to identify those fake prophets and fake spirits.
Also note that I didn't write down everything I was told, there are still more.

And Please I want to urge you today that you shouldn't be distracted from God, always find time to pray and worship God everyday, you might be one of the armies and I don't want you to be among those people that will fail, God wants to use you for something glorious, why don't you allow Him? And find time to pray always.

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