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Monday 23 October 2017

How to Grow Spiritually as a Christian

Spiritual growth is not a day job, but it depends on how much you long for God and desire Him. There are levels in the Spirit realm, ranging from hearing God's voice to the ability of see invisible things. Some Christians see angels on a daily basis, very few people have seen Jesus Christ face to face. It depends on your Spiritual level. 
In this article, you will learn how to grow Spiritually, these methods has been working for me effectively and I really think you also need to try them out:

1. Love : Love play a very important role in Spiritual growth. Firstly, I want us to understand that you can't grow if you don't love your neighbor, the scripture says "God is love" which means you can never know God if you don't love. Love is the greatest commandment of all, all other commandments cannot work without love, 
Mark 12: 33 says
And to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love his neighbour as himself, is more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.

2. Prayer: You can communicate with God through prayer, when you talk to God often, you will know God more because He will also speak to you either directly or indirectly and tell you what you need to know. Sometimes we pray amiss which really affects us. You should read this in order to pray in the right way "How to pray effectively"

3. Studying the Bible: The Bible is the truth and the word of God, most times God speaks to us through the Bible. You will discover many things about God and how to attain Spiritual growth when you study and meditate on the Bible. All you need to do is to find somewhere quiet and thoroughly soak your soul in the Word of God. 

4. Speaking in tongues: Speaking in heavenly languages edifies your Spirit man, the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 14: 4a that
He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself
You should speak in tongues more often, anywhere, anytime, either in the car, when cooking, when doing the chores. At least, you should speak in tongues 40 minutes-1 hour a day and you will begin to walk in the Spirit realm. God can also take control over you when you are speaking in tongues, and you will find yourself prophesying. 

5. Download and listen to sermons and messages on your computer or mobile phones: This will help you a lot because the sermons you hear in your Church are not enough for your Spiritual growth, you can watch them on YouTube, or search for any Christian website and download.  

6. Attend prayer meetings, crusades, fellowships and other Christian gatherings 

7. Evangelism: You need to introduce people to Christ, and allow them to be saved. Believe me, there is a great reward for this!  

8. Always give thanks to God, no matter what the situation maybe, God have a better plan for you. He never forsake you and He is always with you.  

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