We preach the good news to the people

Wednesday 1 November 2017

How To Receive The Holy Spirit

All Christians 'must' have the Holy spirit in them, it is this Spirit that will lead us to the right path and direct our footsteps. A Christian without the Holy Spirit is just like a car without battery, such a Christian can never grow Spiritually. It is through the Holy Spirit that we can become the Children of God(Romans 8:14-17) which means that a Christian without the Holy Spirit is not authorized to be called a child of God. Some Christians receive the Holy Spirit through their pastors either by laying of hands or during Holy Ghost service which is the most easiest way to  receive the Holy Spirit. In this post, I will teach you how to receive the Holy Spirit without the help of any pastor.

How to receive the Holy Spirit

 1. Repent: To receive the Holy Spirit, you have to be Holy and you can only be Holy when you repent from your sins and live a sinless life and continue to do the will of God.

 2. Be baptised: As a Christian, you have to be baptised by water before the Holy Spirit can upon you. Jesus was even baptised first before the Holy Spirit descended on Him. You can be baptised by Spirit filled believer or your pastor. 

 3. Be prepared to be transformed and speak in tongues by the power of the Holy Ghost as the early disciples did.

 4. Ask God for the Holy Spirit: Jesus said "Ask and it shall be given unto you, seek and ye shall find...... For everyone that asketh receiveth and He that seeketh findeth.... How much more shall your heavenly father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him? "
Jesus clearly said that If We ask for the Holy Spirit, God will surely give us. He doesn't want us to go astray, therefore He knew that we will need someone that will guide and lead you to the right path which is the Holy Spirit. All you need to do is to find a place that you can pray without any distraction, then begin to pray for the Holy Spirit, you can also sing songs of worship and I assure you that the Holy Spirit will descend mightily upon you.

Use your new tongue to talk to God and enlighten others how easy it was by telling them what happened to you.

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