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Thursday 2 November 2017

How To Identify Fake Prophets

In this end time, many fake prophets are now in the world with a goal of deceiving people and possess them with Evil Spirits instead of Holy Spirit. The victims of these fake prophets will think that they are truly God's prophets due to lots of miracles. As a matter of fact! These prophets also speak to tongues and heal the sick but with the inspiration of the Evil powers. It is very much difficult to Identify them because they will behave and act like real Prophets of God. These fake prophets are signs of end time as prophesied in Matthew 24:11. Jesus clearly warned us against these prophets but we can't stay away from them if we can't identify them.

How To Identify Fake Prophets

 1. Identify Them Through The Holy Spirit: There was a time i listened to a true life story of a man that saw Jesus and Jesus told the man that "The Devil will come in His form and deceive many, but the only way to Identify the real one and fake one is through the Holy Spirit". This also applies to fake prophets or pastors. In Acts 13:6-13, Paul was able to identify a fake prophet whose name was Bar-Jesus, these false prophet have deceived many people that didn't have the Holy Spirit in them but when Paul arrived, the Bible says in verse 9 and 10 that:
Then Saul, (who also is called Paul,) filled with the Holy Ghost, set his eyes on him, And said, O full of all subtilty and all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord?
If Paul lacks the Holy Spirit, maybe He might had been deceived too.
But do you know that you can have the Holy Spirit and you might not identify them, that's why you need to activate your Spiritual man by praying in tongues always and you should also pray for the gift of discerning of Spirits because most Christians lack this gift.

 2. Identify Them By Their Teachings And Preachings: You can identify fake prophets and pastors by their teachings. Real Prophets and Pastors truly of God will always focus on preaching about end time, Spiritual growth, Personal relationship with God, Faith and other things that deals with Spirituality but the fake ones will always emphasize on preaching about financial breakthrough and prosperity, wealth, riches, and other things that deals with Physical and Financial teachings, they will never talk about end time and Spiritual growth, they will not and will never talk about your "Authority in Christ", they don't preach anything about Grace but they preaches law. 

 3. Identify Them Through Their Miracles: These Fake Prophets and Pastors can work any kind of Miracles, but there is something you need to notice about them whenever they are working miracles or healings which is "THEY WILL NEVER USE THE NAME OF JESUS". You cannot hear them say "Be healed in the name of JESUS" rather they will say "Be healed" because those fake prophets and pastors are afraid of the name of Jesus therefore they need to caution themselves. Fake prophets will even call fire from Heaven and you will be convinced that they are truly from God but if they didn't have a reason to call the fire from heaven, please don't believe them. Prophet Elijah calls down a fire from heaven just to convince king Ahab and the other unbelievers in Israel that the LORD is truly God and He alone should be worshipped(read 1st kings 16-40) but a fake prophet will only call down a fire from heaven without any reason, He might say that God wants to send a fire down on this alter but that's a LIE! God would not send a fire without a purpose. 

 4. Identify Them When They Claim To Baptize People With The Holy Ghost: It's true that you are not yet a Christian if you lack the Holy Spirit therefore many pastors and prophets today Baptize people with the Holy Spirit, but fake prophets baptize with the Evil Spirit but this is how you will know:
"When you watch real prophets or pastors baptizing with the Holy Spirit, they say "receive the Holy Spirit" or "the Spirit of the Living God" or "Holy Ghost" or "Anointing of the Holy Spirit"  or anyone that is related to the ones above. But the fake prophets and Pastors will say "receive it" or "receive the Spirit", they will never mention the Holy Spirit during the baptism period. If you know that you are a victim of this, maybe you attended a church or crusade or any gathering that the prophet or pastor says "receive it" or "receive the Spirit" without mentioning the Holy Spirit, please kindly go to a real Man of God for deliverance before it damage something in your life.

Please Read!!!!
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